David Macdonald
Graphic designer and illustrator based in Dunedin.
Focusing on projects that build connections with the natural world.

Here's what I do:
The question: how might the nature positive effects of building trails in the Wellington area be communicated effectively?
The answer: a series of illustrations that show the sequence of change at a small and large scale

Tools and techniques used:
Procreate and Adobe Photoshop. With key reference images from the green areas across the city.
The question: how might we create knowledge and excitement around the Te Araroa Trail for those just beginning to learn about it?
The answer: a collection of illustrations showing specific features of the trail as well as schematics, pointers stories and safety tips  

Tools and techniques used: Procreate, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign.
The question: how could we clearly show the potential of a future landscape across a wide audience for Waikato iwi?
The answer: a drawn animation that reveals the regeneration of the landscape over time

Tools and techniques used:
Procreate, Adobe Photoshop Adobe After Effects. Combining drawn imagery while recording changes and blending these transitions together to create the completed sequence.
The question: how can the intricate details of a new farm system be presented in a way that is easy to understand?
The answer: through a variety of drawn and vector schematics that each show a part of the farm process clearly

Tools and techniques used:
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop.
The question: how might we show the narrative of a Queenstown nature experience?
The answer: a sequence of storyboards that show what visitors will see and learn across time

Tools and techniques used: Procreate, Adobe Photoshop. A directed palette and feel in a widescreen format.
The question: how could we show a vision for a past and future Aotearoa landscape?
The answer: using hyper-realistic imagery that melds current drone photography with manipulated images

Tools and techniques used: Adobe Photoshop.
Personal illustration for projects in Dunedin and around the Nelson area.
Tools and techniques used: Adobe Photoshop.
Thank you!
In 2019 my graphic novel 'Copper Lens' won the award for best student project at the Chroma Art Awards. In 2020 I completed a Bachelor of Design (Communication) through the Otago Polytechnic. Currently I work and regularly collaborate with Dunedin based company Wildlab on a variety of projects for partners across Aotearoa.
When I'm not at my desk I'm either exploring the trails and crags of Dunedin or the mountains of Ka Tiritiri o te Moana across the South Island.